You ate the equivalent of XX slices of Papa John’s 14" Cheese Original Crust Pizza (210 calories per slice)
You seem to be using alcohol responsibly. Try to limit your alcohol intake to 14 units per week and spread these evenly throughout the week. Ideally you should have some alcohol free drinks each week. Risk to your health is increased by drinking any amount of alcohol on a regular basis.
If you have any queries or concerns about this, you can access support via RGU’s Counselling and Wellbeing Centre by email or by phone on 01224 262120.
RGU also have an Out of Hours Service at or on 01224 263646
You might also wish to talk to your personal tutor or GP.
Alternatively, you can talk in confidence to Alcohol and Drugs Action on 01224 594700 Monday-Friday 11am-7pm and Saturday-Sunday 2pm-5pm, or drop in to 7 Hadden Street, Aberdeen Monday-Friday 9.30am-1pm and 2pm-5pm or Saturday-Sunday 1pm-2m or email
You ate the equivalent of XX slices of Papa John’s 14" Cheese Original Crust Pizza (210 calories per slice)
You may be a Hazardous drinker. This means that your alcohol consumption or pattern of drinking is more likely to result in harm i.e. accidents or injuries, being involved in or being a victim of violence, having unsafe sex (raising the risk of unplanned pregnancies, or STIs) and waking up in an unfamiliar environment or loss of possessions; wallet, keys, phone. You are also more likely to vomit or be affected by alcohol poisoning.
If you have any queries or concerns about this, you can access support via RGU’s Counselling and Wellbeing Centre by email or by phone on 01224 262120.
RGU also have an Out of Hours Service at or on 01224 263646
You might also wish to talk to your personal tutor or GP.
Alternatively, you can talk in confidence to Alcohol and Drugs Action on 01224 594700 Monday-Friday 11am-7pm and Saturday-Sunday 2pm-5pm, or drop in to 7 Hadden Street, Aberdeen Monday-Friday 9.30am-1pm and 2pm-5pm or Saturday-Sunday 1pm-2m or email
You ate the equivalent of XX slices of Papa John’s 14" Cheese Original Crust Pizza (210 calories per slice)
You may be using alcohol in a harmful way. Alcohol use can affect your physical and your mental health in many different ways. It can also impact on other areas of your life including social life, relationships, finances, housing, employment and academic studies.
If you have any queries or concerns about this, you can access support via RGU’s Counselling and Wellbeing Centre by email or by phone on 01224 262120.
RGU also have an Out of Hours Service at or on 01224 263646
You might also wish to talk to your personal tutor or GP.
Alternatively, you can talk in confidence to Alcohol and Drugs Action on 01224 594700 Monday-Friday 11am-7pm and Saturday-Sunday 2pm-5pm, or drop in to 7 Hadden Street, Aberdeen Monday-Friday 9.30am-1pm and 2pm-5pm or Saturday-Sunday 1pm-2m or email
You ate the equivalent of XX slices of Papa John’s 14" Cheese Original Crust Pizza (210 calories per slice)
You may have a dependence upon alcohol. This is a strong desire to use alcohol, despite its harmful consequences and you may be prioritising its use over other activities and obligations. Your tolerance for alcohol may be increased and you may experience withdrawal symptoms with it e.g. shaking, sweating, hallucinations, depression, anxiety or insomnia. Alcohol use may be affecting your whole quality of life.
If you have any queries or concerns about this, you can access support via RGU’s Counselling and Wellbeing Centre by email or by phone on 01224 262120.
RGU also have an Out of Hours Service at or on 01224 263646
You might also wish to talk to your personal tutor or GP.
Alternatively, you can talk in confidence to Alcohol and Drugs Action on 01224 594700 Monday-Friday 11am-7pm and Saturday-Sunday 2pm-5pm, or drop in to 7 Hadden Street, Aberdeen Monday-Friday 9.30am-1pm and 2pm-5pm or Saturday-Sunday 1pm-2m or email
Mon-Fri 11am-7pm • Sat-Sun 2pm-5pm
For further help and support call the Student Counselling and Wellbeing Centre on 01224 262120, or email
Part of the ADA (Alcohol and Drugs Action) range of services. Alcohol and Drugs Action is a registered Scottish Charity Number SC013582.